• What services do you offer self- publishers?

    Chandler Book Design offers text layout and cover design services for all publishers including self- publishers and first-time authors. We can typeset your book from a Microsoft Word document and design a fantastic cover to go with it that will really make your book stand out fromthe rest.

    What information do you need from me to get an accurate quote?

    The simplest and quickest way is to complete as much of our contact form as you can. This asks for all the relevant information that we need to be able to give you an idea of costs. If you prefer to ‘phone us and talk things through then we will be happy to talk to you.

    What timescales should I allow for the design and printing of my book?

    Once you have approved the layout of the text and the cover designed then it takes on average about 3 weeks to delivery of bound books.

    Where do I find a barcode?

    If required then this is included as part of our cover design service for no extra charge. Please note that we do not offer this as a stand alone service. You will need to have obtained an ISBN number from Nielsen UK ISBN Agency before your barcode can be made.

    Are you a publishing company?

    Chandler Book Design is a book production services company offering book typesetting, cover design, e-book design, book printing services and impartial expert advice to self-publishers and first time authors. We are NOT a publisher.

    Do you offer a proof-reading service?

    Yes, we can arrange this as an additional service. Please contact us for further details.

    Do I have to mention your name and the printer’s on the title verso page?

    We would appreciate you allowing us to include Typeset and cover designed by Chandler Book Design. There is a legal requirement however to include the printer’s name. The Printer’s Imprint Act of 1961 states that books, journals, newspapers, periodicals, and most other matter printed in the UK must bear on the first or last leaf a legible statement of the printer’s name and usual place of business (the ‘Printer’s imprint’). We will add their imprint for you to your copyright (title verso) page.

    Preparing your typescript before sending it to us

    How should I prepare my typescript?

    Please ensure that your manuscript is in Microsoft Word. Don’t worry too much about making your Word document look beautiful, as we will flow your document into our professional layout program and do all the formatting for you. The key thing is to indicate where paragraph breaks should fall.
    Run a spellchecker through the document a couple of time before sending it to us to eliminate as many mistakes as possible.
    It is often difficult to spot your own errors so we suggest that you ask a friend or family member to read your manuscript to check for obvious errors. Corrections made after we have typeset your book will be charged at an hourly rate and extra costs could quickly mount up.

    Will you check my document for spelling mistakes?

    Our typesetting service does not correct spelling mistakes or any grammatical errors. If you require a full proof reading service then we can arrange this for you for an additional cost. However we strongly recommend that any proof reading be done before we start work as extra costs can quickly mount up if we need to do these once the text had been typeset.

    ISBN’s and Payment

    Do I need an ISBN number and where can I get one from?

    Nielsen UK ISBN Agency,
    3rd Floor, Midas House,
    62 Goldsworth Road,
    Surrey GU21 6LQ,
    United Kingdom

    Tel: +44 (0)1483 712 215
    Fax: +44 (0)1483 712 214
    Email: isbn.agency@nielsen.com

    ISBN Agency information is https://nielsenbook.co.uk/isbn-agency/

    ISBN Store itself is https://www.nielsenisbnstore.com/

    Can you purchase an ISBN for me?

    The ISBN must be registered in your name so that you are clearly identified as the publisher of the book which is why we are not able to purchase an ISBN for you. However we are happy to answer any questions you might have when completing the ISBN application form and guide you through the process.

    How can I get my book listed on Amazon and other online bookstores?

    For a book to be listed on Amazon UK and other online bookstores it needs to be listed at Nielson Bookdata. They provide a key source of bibliographic data for books published in the UK and internationally that is used by Amazon, WH Smith, Tesco and sales staff at bookshops.
    When you purchase an ISBN for your book from the UK ISBN Agency, which is part of Nielsen Bookdata, it will automatically be entered on to their database and thus it will be listed on Amazon etc.
    For further details about Nielsen Bookdata got to www.nbdrs.com

    What are your payment methods?

    Cheque, BACS or PayPal.

    What are your payment terms?

    We typically ask for 50% up front to activate the project with the balance to be paid before delivery. Credit terms may be arranged for established customers.

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