Welcome to the Chandler Book Design Blog!

Hello, World. Welcome to our blog!

Here, we will be sharing our helpful tips and expert advice on the world of book design. As a team, we have accumulated an abundance of design knowledge over the years – and we can’t wait to share this with you! We will be covering topics from how much does book cover design typically cost to informational tips on how to boost your books on social  media and tips on creating and designing your very first eBook! Our blog could be the first step in your journey to becoming a successfully published author of a beautifully designed book! 

At Chandler Book Design, we have over ten years of insightful industry knowledge to share. We have met and interacted with so many diverse clients which have presented us with unique projects; so we really have had our fair share of experience in regards to what works in the book design industry and what flops! 

Writing the novel should be the most challenging part of the process for you. Chandler Book Design enables you to leave the subsidiary sections of publishing, such as proof reading and cover designs, to us! We are experts in our field and would love to provide you with our useful advice and services so that you walk away with a product to be proud of.

The team hope that you’ve stumbled upon our blog to learn something new from us, to give you some knowledgable advice before you even put pen to paper and considerations to contemplate when it the time come to create your book cover and layout design. We hope that perhaps you even would like to get in touch and work with us, but until then…

Happy reading! 

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