Book design services – This is a fairly generic term so what does it mean, when this is used in search engines, it’s I think a term to cast your net wider in order to find the level of design service the potential client is looking for.
We ourselves use this term because its easier than listing all our services, we offer everything in order to get your job in print.
So its easier to try and shorten the word search into a more generic term so people find it easier to find the right designer for them. In such a competitive market we have to stand out and our aim is to offer a high level design services where we can design unique and bespoke book design.
Considerations for Book Cover DesignNever Judge a Book By Its Cover …Or Should You?
It’s the century-old saying, but one we take seriously at Chandler Book Design. Reading is an all-encompassing experience for book lovers: To be able to turn each page and to feel the embossed indentations on the cover after finishing a chapter for the evening, are the microscopic design details that make reading tangible books an experience. All of these small characteristics complete the appearance of your manuscript and are decided upon in-house at Chandler Book Design when creating the cover design for your book.
Most of us might be guilty for being initially drawn toward brightly coloured illustrations or darkly photographed ominous figures on covers from across the Waterstones isle – but it is the cover what first and fore-mostly draws the reader into a literary work. Most of the time readers are not browsing for anything in particular, but are hoping an eye-catching cover design will capture their attention. Through decades of designing book covers at Chandler Book Design, we know the expectations of the industry and we have expertly fine-tuned our clever design practices to consistently produce eye-capturing designs.
Design to Suit Your Genre
A cover only has seconds to make an impact on the buyer, so it’s important to create a bold cover that skilfully reflects your specific genre. In the initial stages, communicating the essence of your story to the design team is essential. Consider what subject matter might be presented upon the cover: The main character? A location? Or perhaps even a symbolic metonym for the narrative (take for example the notorious ring used for J.R.R. Tolkens, Lord of the Rings) – Even the most niche storyline details may make a significant difference in the configuration of your cover design. The imagery itself should reflect the genre of your work: Photo-realism images give the reader a referable visual of characters and landscapes, or may display factual or hero-images for your book. Illustrative design sets a different tone and may associate your literature with a certain or audience or age-group.
Design to Suit Your Audience
It is important to consider targeting your cover artwork toward a specific age group. In a recent project for children’s fantasy fiction author Chris Connaughton, the novel The Essence Hunters needed to appeal to a younger audience; whilst simultaneously portraying the darker aesthetic that ran throughout the book. We attentively produced the imagery on the cover to depict a dark and mythical backdrop – although ominous, the cover appears appropriate for a young adult audience.
Design for eBooks and Digital Works
Additionally, at Chandler Book Design we also consider how your design will transfer into the digital marketplace. When creating an eBook, readers have the opportunity to search through a sea of titles across the digital marketplace and therefore, creating a captivating design that transposes well into the digital realm is essential.
Design to Suit… You!
At Chandler Book Design, we work symbiotically and collaborate with you to manifest the cover design you had envisaged whilst writing your book. We offer a bespoke service so that your cover reflects the tone of your manuscript in a unique and creative way: with no templates or pre-designed covers used, each cover we create is made exclusively for you and your title. The entire design process from layout to cover design is manufactured in-house at Chandler Book Design to alleviate any complications in your publishing process, and to leave you to the important stuff – writing! Whatever aesthetic you’re searching for, it’s safe to say, we have got you… covered.
4 Simple Steps to Creating an eBookExpanding Interest in the eBook
Technology today is moving at a monumental pace. We now have the ability to carry an entire library of titles in our back pockets – to the back garden, to the beach, and beyond. From classical literature to informational encyclopaedias – eBooks offer an expansive way to access printed publications in a contemporary and desirable format. For on-the-go entertainment or informational digestion, any publication has the potential to become an eBook! Could this be the best route for your own publication?
Step One: Choosing a Topic
When choosing a captivating topic, think about what you’re passionate about and begin by creating a draft of your literature; keeping in mind that you are creating content to appeal to your target audience. The most popular eBooks share a personal story or experience. Also, consider where your eBook will be shared; to a blog? Or to a website? Or straight to the marketplace – Start the process here! Evaluate the ways in which your story and your unique perspective can help you to stand out. Get creative!
Step Two: Formatting
Once the content is collated into a word document, we can assist you with the format of your eBook. Less is more; readability is your main point of focus here. The pliable nature of the eBook creates a unique user-guided experience for each reader. The text can be transformed into the font of the readers preference and enlarged into a variety of sizes once purchased; so keep it simple in this stage with a sans-serif font. Images can be added to illustrate your narrative and enhance your literature. All of the technicalities of composing the eBook are taken care of in-house at Chandler Book Design.
Step Three: Proofreading
A fresh pair of eyes on your project could be just what is needed to guarantee your writing is presented to the highest possible standard. Our proofreading services include; reviewing spelling and grammar, syntax, double spacing, inaccuracies between characters, general continuity and coherence of the text. We offer proofreading at Chandler Book Design as an additional service, for a supplementary fee. Our fee is calculated on the basis of word count. Copywriting services are also available at an additional cost.
Step Four: Creating an Eye-Catching Cover Design
Having an interesting, eye-catching cover design is imperative. With conglomerate giants such as Amazon selling a sea of titles for a vast and expansive audience to choose from – at Chandler Book Design, we appreciate the details of eBooks just as intently as we do paperback novels. With our clever design practices, we ensure that your book cover will stand out ahead of others. Already have an idea in mind for your cover design? – Amazing! We can work in-house to bring your ideas to life onto the cover of your eBook.
Head over to our main website to learn more about eBooks and how Chandler Book Design can make the process of creating a sleek and creative composition for all of your publications, here:
How Much Does Book Cover Design Cost?One question we’re often asked at Chandler Book Design is how much does book cover design cost? Well like most things in life it depends! You see not all book cover design is equal.
To start some designers or websites may use predesigned covers or templates, this is normally the cheapest option and prices range from £50 to £150+! Due to the fact most of the hard work has already been done it means it’s fairly quick to get a book cover however the downside is your cover can be left looking generic or even worse just like someone else’s!
Here at Chandler Book Design we prefer the more bespoke route to give your books the uniqueness they deserve, therefore we do not use templates or pre-designed covers. Instead, we craft each cover from scratch to make sure whether it’s a hardback, paperback or eBook the final result is bespoke to you.
Generally speaking there are 2 main bespoke options, photographic & illustration.
Photographic covers are based around images that are either provided by the client or sourced by ourselves. Usually, they are then matched with custom typography to complement and provide a feeling for the book itself. Images can be manipulated & edited in many ways even combining multiple images into a composite. For this prices can range from £150 to £350+!
Illustrated covers can be simple or incredibly complex. It could be a minimal graphic design style compromising of a few elements all the way to a custom commission by an illustrator of choice. This means the time involved varies greatly and prices can range from £350 to £1,600+!
Every project is unique so the best way to find out is to get in touch and ask. We’ve been designing books for over 10 years, so we have the ability to quickly recommend the right option for your particular budget.
If you’d like to know more don’t hesitate to get in touch where one of our designers would be more than happy to assist.
Welcome to the Chandler Book Design Blog!Hello, World. Welcome to our blog!
Here, we will be sharing our helpful tips and expert advice on the world of book design. As a team, we have accumulated an abundance of design knowledge over the years – and we can’t wait to share this with you! We will be covering topics from how much does book cover design typically cost to informational tips on how to boost your books on social media and tips on creating and designing your very first eBook! Our blog could be the first step in your journey to becoming a successfully published author of a beautifully designed book!
At Chandler Book Design, we have over ten years of insightful industry knowledge to share. We have met and interacted with so many diverse clients which have presented us with unique projects; so we really have had our fair share of experience in regards to what works in the book design industry and what flops!
Writing the novel should be the most challenging part of the process for you. Chandler Book Design enables you to leave the subsidiary sections of publishing, such as proof reading and cover designs, to us! We are experts in our field and would love to provide you with our useful advice and services so that you walk away with a product to be proud of.
The team hope that you’ve stumbled upon our blog to learn something new from us, to give you some knowledgable advice before you even put pen to paper and considerations to contemplate when it the time come to create your book cover and layout design. We hope that perhaps you even would like to get in touch and work with us, but until then…
Happy reading!